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YOU can achieve more than you think!


We develop and manage training courses
ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, BRC,
ISO 22000, ISO 27001, ISO 37001, LEAN, etc.

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Zygon Baltic Consulting is a Latvian-British joint venture with more than 20 years of international experience

implementation and improvement of quality management systems.

We specialize in international standards  (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, HACCP, BRC, ISO 22000,

ISO 27001, ISO 31000, ISO 37001) and the Standards of Excellence (Investors in Excellence and EFQM)

requirements, as well as LEAN, SixSigma, BSC, etc.  

We offer IT solutions for the development of quality management systems and adaption to the specific needs of the organization.

Work desk


New knowledge helps you organize every day smarter!

We offer to learn LEAN, quality management, quality internal audit, risk management

and more

Business Meeting


Difficult situations can be resolved faster if the team has an expert in the specific field.  

Our experts in quality management, internal audit, various international standards, risk management

are here to help you!

Quality management systems
IT  solutions

We have developed a solution for storing quality documents, so that any employee in your organization can quickly and easily find all the documents necessary for the performance of work duties.

In case of specific requirements, we can make necessary system additions.

We offer a solution for MS SharePoint, Drupal or Moodle.

Organizing Data
standarti un metodes
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We offer to use one of the most popular business management methods - LEAN, to improve the efficiency of the company's processes.

Zygon Baltic Consulting, in cooperation with consultants from Great Britain, offers to improve the performance of your company - by working more efficiently to reduce losses based on the company's values.

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In every business, with every activity - companies strive to achieve the set goals and there are always both risks and opportunities.


The essence of the risk management approach is to evaluate your goals and plans to achieve them in order to understand your risks and opportunities and to identify them in time.

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Based on extensive research, the Investors in Excellence Standard (IiE) combines the best approach to the path to excellence, allowing organizations to highlight the areas that are most important to their customers, employees and stakeholders.

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ISO 9000 is the basis of good management practice for every company or organization.


It focuses on customer needs and expectations, as well as promotes quality management and planning of products and services, ensuring higher efficiency and competitiveness of the company's or organization's economic activities.

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ISO 14000 - a series of internationally recognized standards for the establishment of environmental management systems in organizations and companies, the purpose of which is to support environmental protection and prevent environmental pollution, balancing this activity with socio-economic needs.


ISO 14000 is one of the world's most recognized standards for environmental management systems.

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The task of the company's labor protection system is to ensure safe and secure work environment in order to avoid accidents at work and achieve high level of employees' ability to work throughout their working lives.


The most important principles and requirements of the labour protection system are defined as mandatory in the regulatory enactments regulating labour protection.

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The BRC (British Retail Consorcium) has developed two main standards applicable to the food industry: an international food standard for manufacturers and a methodological guide on packaging materials.

The BRC sets requirements for food businesses that supply products to retail chains and other businesses.

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HACCP is a food self-monitoring system based on food safety and the prevention of related problems - it is a system for ensuring food safety. This system is based on a set of actions that prevent threats to human health. Some of these activities are required by the state to guarantee the supply of safe food to the population. In carrying out these activities, the economic operator shall comply with national law. Without these actions, the company's activities are in fact illegal.

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ISO 22000, Food Safety Management System - includes an internationally harmonized set of requirements for use worldwide.


The standard has been developed by ISO (International Organization for Standardization) food industry experts.

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ISO 27000 is an international standard that sets requirements for an information security management system.

Information security has become one of the most pressing issues of the current era. Taking care of information security means taking care of the company's existence, operation, as well as the security of own and customer data.

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LVS ISO 37001: 2018 Anti-bribery management systems.

The ISO 37001 standard sets out a set of measures to help organizations limit the risk of bribery.

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society with limited responsibility

Latvian-British joint venture

Zygon Baltic Consulting


Contact information:
Blaumaņa Street 22, Riga, LV-1011
Phone: +371 265 88 666

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Reg. No .: 40003394710
VAT registration number: LV40003394710


Bank: A / S SEB banka
Bank code: UNLALV2X
Account number.:

LV 96 UNLA 0002 0404 6944 6

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