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With extensive experience in improving the management systems of companies, public administration institutions and organizations, as well as constantly updating the knowledge of international lecturers,

we offer prompt solutions to process efficiency, management system, quality management system,

anti-corruption system, personnel management, risk management, etc. system problems.

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Any document is easy to find!

Easily customizable IT solutions for quality document registration,


coordination and signature.

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society with limited responsibility

Latvian-British joint venture

Zygon Baltic Consulting


Contact information:
Blaumaņa Street 22, Riga, LV-1011
Phone: +371 265 88 666

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Reg. No .: 40003394710
VAT registration number: LV40003394710


Bank: A / S SEB banka
Bank code: UNLALV2X
Account number.:

LV 96 UNLA 0002 0404 6944 6

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