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Investors in Excellence

Based on extensive research, the Investors in Excellence Standard (IiE) combines the best approach on the path to excellence, allowing organizations to highlight the areas that are most important to their customers, employees and stakeholders.

IiE covers all areas of activity, it has a comprehensive vision that allows it to act as an umbrella, coordinating broad initiatives to improve the work of the organization.


It has provided a number of benefits to organizations using the IiE system, which include:

  • improved financial management

  • reducing costs and increasing efficiency

  • greater customer and employee satisfaction with greater satisfaction

  • conquering new markets through external recognition

The standard is designed as a guide to excellence to meet the needs of each organization and our team of experts offers support at every stage of the journey.

You can learn more about the Investors in Excellence standard:  Brochure on the Investors in Excellence standard

In Latvia, the only organization that performs the standard Investors in Excellence certification by awarding the Investors in Excellence certificate is  Latvia Excellence, SIA .

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society with limited responsibility

Latvian-British joint venture

Zygon Baltic Consulting


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